Primaris Repulsor


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          The Repulsor has a choice of:

          - a turret-mounted heavy onslaught gatling cannon, which can be replaced with a las-talon;
          - a front-mounted twin heavy bolter, which can be replaced with a twin lascannon;
          - a pintle-mounted ironhail heavy stubber, which can be replaced with an onslaught gatling cannon;
          - a rear-mounted Icarus ironhail heavy stubber, which can be replaced with an an Icarus rocket pod, storm bolter or - fragstorm grenade launcher;
          - 2 storm bolters, which can be replaced 2 fragstorm grenade launchers;
          - Auto Launchers, which can be replaced 2 fragstorm grenade launchers.

          The Primaris Repulsor comes as 168 components and includes a transfer sheet and a Citadel 100mm Round base – this features a clear hover stand, which can be set at an angle, adding a certain degree of camber to your model.